

7 Common Questions That Dental Patients Ask Their Dentist

January 2, 2023

General Dentistry

Dentist in Paradise Valley

We frequently hear these queries as we serve our patients and discuss their problems and requirements. Occasionally the most basic information is the most essential to inform your health. Read on to learn the answers to 7 common questions from dental patients.

Why Is Going to the Dentist Regularly So Important?

Going to the dentist regularly is essential for your oral health and well-being. During a regular checkup, your Dentist in Paradise Valley can detect any potential problems before they become severe and costly. The team at the Dentist Paradise Valley will also be able to advise you on how to improve your dental hygiene routine and recommend treatments if necessary. 

Why Should I Floss? Isn’t Brushing Enough?

Brushing helps remove plaque from the surfaces of teeth, but flossing is essential, too, as it removes food particles and plaque from between teeth that brushing alone cannot reach. Your Dentist in Paradise Valley may even recommend using interdental brushes or water flossers. Brushing twice a day for two minutes with an ADA-approved toothbrush is recommended, as well as flossing at least once a day. 

What is Fluoride, and Why is it Important?

To help avoid cavities, your Dentist, Paradise Valley, may recommend that you frequently rinse with mouthwash to reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth, or they may provide you with sealants or fluoride treatments. Fluoride is an essential mineral that helps maintain strong enamel and prevent tooth decay. It can be found in some toothpaste, certain water supplies, and as part of dental treatments recommended by your Dentist in Paradise Valley.

How often should I get a Dental Clean?

Getting a professional dental clean every six months will also help keep your teeth healthy and free from tartar build-up. During a dental clean, specially trained hygienists use special tools to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and polish and floss. 

I Have Sensitive Teeth. How Do I Fix This?

If you have sensitive teeth, various treatments are available to help alleviate the problem. Your Dentist in Paradise Valley may recommend a desensitizing toothpaste or fluoride gel, or they might suggest an internal medicine such as laser dentistry or root canal therapy.

 Do Whitening Toothpaste Work?

Whitening toothpaste contains abrasive ingredients that work against stains on the surfaces of teeth. Still, they cannot change the natural color of your teeth – this can only be done by a professional dentist like those at Dentist Paradise Valley. 

Why do I Need Dental X-Rays?

Dental X-rays allow dentists to view areas of the mouth beneath the surface, helping them to detect problems with fillings, cavities, and other issues that may not be visible during a regular checkup. Regular X-rays are essential for detecting any early signs of dental problems, so talk to your Dentist in Paradise Valley about how often you should get them. 

At Paradise Valley Dental, we understand the importance of good oral hygiene and want to help our patients maintain optimal oral health. We offer advice on practicing good oral hygiene at home, provide treatments such as fluoride applications, and answer any questions about oral care. 


Good oral health is essential for your overall well-being, so regular visits to the Dentist in Paradise Valley are essential. During these checkups, your Dentist in Paradise Valley can advise on how best to practice good oral hygiene habits at home and provide necessary treatments such as fluoride applications if needed. X-rays should also be taken regularly to detect any early signs of dental problems. Contact us today for more information about our services and how we can help you maintain a healthy smile!